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How To Reduce TDS In Water At Home?

how to reduce tds in water at home

There are various chemicals in the water supplied to the homes in cities. Total dissolved solids from the primary contaminant. The particles bigger than 2 microns are classified as total dissolved solids. This makes it important to use the right filtration technique for removing the contaminants and making the water safe for drinking. Filters of 0.45 micron can remove the particles easily from various sources. This leaves the water with atoms and ions.

Water’s taste changes only when the TDS is in moderate to high concentration. This leads to various health issues too. Here comes into the picture the use of RO water purifiers.

Need for Checking the TDS in Water:

  • High TDS levels changes the taste of drinking water, so, depending on the dissolved substances, it may taste bitter, salty, or sulphuric.
  • Water having high TDS is safe only when the dissolved solids are natural but if these include substances like lead, serious health problems occur.
  • Testing the TDS levels help in ensuring that the filters function well through their regular maintenance.
  • You can find spots appearing in utensils when the water has high TDS. Using it for washing clothes can also discolor the clothes and result in a thin layer of deposition in the faucets, taps, and sinks.

Acceptable TDS levels in Drinking Water:

A TDS meter helps in determining the TDS level in the water. It can’t identify the individual components or sources. So it becomes essential to carry out some additional tests for determining the contaminants.

Here is the Chart for Various TDs levels and Safety:

TDS in ppmQuality of Water
50-100Excellent for drinking
150-200Good for drinking
250-300Fair quality
300-500Poor quality
Above 1200Not drinkable

How To Reduce TDS In Water At Home?

Here are the methods of reducing TDS in water:

1. Reverse Osmosis:

  • This is a process that forces water through a synthetic membrane having microscopic pores that let particles smaller than 0.0001 microns pass through it. Thus the dissolved metals and salts easily filter out, extracting drinkable water from the incoming source.

2. Distillation:

  • In this process, water is boiled which results in the formation of vapors. These vapors rise and on coming in contact with the and surface, condenses into liquid. Since the dissolved salts can’t vaporize, they will stay back, thus separating clear water from the dissolved solids.

3. Deionisation:

  • Water passes through a positive and negative electrode in this case. The positive ions tend to separate from the water and move towards the negative electrode on passing through the ion-selective membrane. This results in the production of purified, deionized water. This water is subjected to a reverse osmosis process for eliminating the non-ionic organic components.

The TDS content need not be reduced below the normal level unless you find it difficult to withstand the taste. Or else, if there are harmful heavy metals.. excess chlorine, chloramines, or others, those need to be eliminated for safety.

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